State National Pro

Bringing Americans Back To the Land & Soil

What is a United States Citizen?

A U.S. Citizen is defined by statute at 8 USC §1401(a) to mean "A person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof." Statutorily at 26 USC §7408(d), the United States means ONLY the District of Columbia. At 26 USC §7701(a)(1), a "person" only references statutory legal fictions created by the United States Congress. The term "born" in a statutory sense means an act of creation by a Legislative Act of Congress.

What is a Strawman?

During the Reconstruction period of American History, our country was stolen by the Royal Crown of London in England. Using the American people as collateral, the United States Corporation was created. Every American was declared dead or lost at sea according to the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 and their assets were turned into ESTATE TRUSTS. Until each person returns to reclaim their own estate, they are considered to be an empty vessel or a strawman unable to manage their own affairs.

What is a Cestui Que Vie Trust?

The Cestui Qui Vie Trust is established by declaring a person dead, missing, or lost at sea in accordance to the CQV Act of 1666. After the discovery of America, many Englishmen and women were traveling overseas to establish new colonies. Because they often never returned to England, the land owners and lessors needed a way to recoup their land or the rental properties once abandoned. The CQV Trust was then created to hold the value of the person's estate until such time as they reclaimed their estate with interest by proving themselves still alive.

How can we Return to the Land & Soil?

The first step is to understand that we are no longer the country our fore fathers dreamed of creating. Government has become corrupt and changed the rules to suit their whims. In order to reform our more perfect union, we must each commit to making America the country she once was. We begin this process by changing our status and reassembling our Constitutional Republic.

American State Nationals

America is NOT THE UNITED STATES, INCORPORATED. We are the free, independent, and sovereign people of the united States of America. Unincorporated, without the U.S. Inc. Surrender your federal PERSON, Appoint the Treasury Secretary as your Fiduciary, and operate under your Private Indemnity Bond.

National Liberty Alliance

Justice and Judgment are the inhabitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Psalms 89:14

Cornell University Law

We believe that everyone should be able to read and understand the laws that govern them, without cost. This site offers published law materials online for free and makes it easier for people to find the law.

King James Bible 1611

KJV is a translation named after King James I of England who commissioned the new English Bible translation in 1604 AD and first published in 1611 AD. 54 Translators worked for 7 years to carefully complete the KJV project.